Monday, May 5, 2014

Setting Up a Kombucha Continuous Brewing System

Setting Up a Kombucha 
                   Continuous Brewing System


        Traditionally, kombucha is brewed using a continuous brewing system.

        Continuous-brew systems are easy to set up and have a number of benefits.

  • A continuous-brew system is less maintenance as it can be cleaned
    periodically rather than with each new batch. Adding new sugared tea to
    an existing jar already containing the starter tea and scoby is far
    easier than starting with a new container. 
  • A continuous-brew system allows for the greatest chance of a successful
    batch. Maintaining the ecosystem created during the fermentation process
    provides the best defense against the development of mold and invasion
    by transient yeasts and bacteria.
  • A continuous-brew system provides the healthiest environment for the
    scoby. Rather than disturbing the ecological environment through moving
    to new containers and regular cleaning cycles, the continuous brew
    allows the yeast and bacteria to develop relatively undisturbed with a
    consistent supply of new food.
  • A continuous-brew system provides a more consistent supply of kombucha for your family. A specific amount can be harvested every few days, once a week, etc.
  • A continuous-brew system allows for a balance between the benefits of
    short and long fermentation periods. Shorter fermentation periods (1 to 2
    weeks) will generally yield a more sweet and pleasant-tasting kombucha.
    Longer fermentation periods yield kombucha with a much stronger
    vinegar-like taste but also a wider array of beneficial bacteria and
    enzymes. A continuous brew system allows you to reap the benefits of

Setting Up a Continuous Brewing System

Choosing Equipment. 
The only difference between a standard system and a continuous brewing
system is the container used for brewing. 

Click here for a list of other equipment used when brewing kombucha.

Size. A continuous brew container should hold between 1 and 5 gallons.

Material. Kombucha should be brewed in glass or porcelain. Ceramic, plastic, 
crystal, and metal are problematic and generally should not be used. Click here for
more information on choosing the best material for your brewing vessel.


Spigot. A continuous brew container should have a spigot located near the 
bottom of the container so kombucha can be drawn off without disturbing the
contents at the top of the container. Do not use a container with a
spigot that has metal on the inside of the container! Metal in contact
with the scoby is detrimental. Be sure to test the container and spigot
thoroughly for leaks prior to filling it with the kombucha mixture.


Cover. A cover serves two purposes. It should allow the gases created during
the fermentation process to escape while keeping out transient yeast and bacteria 
as well as pests such as fruit flies and ants. If the container has its own cover, 
determine that the lid is not airtight so the gases can escape properly. 
If the container does not have a built-in cover, use a tight-weave towel, 
paper towel, coffee filter, etc. to cover the top. We also recommend securing the 
cover with a tight rubber band to prevent infestation by fruit flies and ants.

Cleaning. Be sure to clean everything thoroughly prior to setting up the brew
system. While soap can be used, rinse very thoroughly multiple times to
ensure that no traces of soap or food particles remain. Vinegar can also
be used to clean the container and is much safer than soap as remaining
traces will not harm the brewing process.

Prepare the Kombucha Mixture. Prepare the sugared tea mixture just as you 
would when creating a typical batch of kombucha. 
(Click here for ingredients, ratios, and instructions.)

Be sure to adhere to proper ratios even when making a larger batch.
Once the sugared tea is completely cooled and the starter tea or vinegar
has been added, pour the mixture into the continuous brewing system and
add the scoby. 

Do not overfill the container. Only 80% of the vessel should be filled with liquid 
to allow space for the mother scoby, development of the new scoby, circulation 
of gases, etc. 
Please note: normal-size scobys can be used to brew these larger batches. 

No need to use a larger-than-normal scoby for this project.

Ferment the Kombucha. Allow the kombucha to ferment for the desired period 
of time (Click here for more information on kombucha fermentation periods.)  

Harvesting the Kombucha. Once the taste profile is desirable, remove the portion 
of the kombucha you wish to consume for the week and bottle the kombucha. 
Be sure to leave at least 20% of the kombucha in the vessel to act as starter tea 
for the next batch.

Feeding the Brewing System. Prepare new sugared tea using the normal ratios. 
Allow the sugared tea to cool thoroughly then slowly pour the solution into the top 
of the brew system. No need to mix. This feeds the system for the week. Be sure to 
only fill the container to 80% capacity. 

Timing Harvesting and Feeding. If desired, harvesting and feeding can be done 
every 3 to 14 days. We suggest weekly as that is the method used by most people. 
If you wish to draw off kombucha to drink daily but only feed the mixture weekly, 
be aware that kombucha drawn off at the beginning of the week is likely to have 
a higher sugar content than kombucha drawn off later in the week (further away 
from when sugared tea was last added).

Controlling Sugar Content. It is a bit more challenging to control the sugar content 
of the kombucha when using a continuous-brew system. If low sugar content is an 
important factor for you, be sure to draw off all the kombucha you will require first 
before adding the fresh sugared tea. We also recommend allowing the new sugared 
tea an adequate fermentation period prior to the next draw. For example, if you require 
kombucha with a low sugar content, we would recommend drawing off 2 to 3 weeks' 
worth of kombucha from the brew system prior to adding the new sugared tea. 
We would then recommend waiting 2 to 3 weeks before the next draw to ensure the 
batch has fermented sufficiently.

Ongoing Cleaning of the Brewing Vessel and Spigot. We recommend only cleaning 
the vessel and spigot when warranted; for example, if the spigot becomes clogged with 
yeast particles or if too much yeast debris builds up in the bottom of the container. 
To clean the system, remove the kombucha and scoby and set aside in a safe
container. Clean the system thoroughly using vinegar if possible. (Soap
can be used but the container must be rinsed very thoroughly several
times as soap residue will be detrimental.) Once the system is clean,
the kombucha and scoby can be added back to the vessel, sugared tea can
be added, and the process can resume.

The Large Scoby. One side effect of the continuous brewing system is the 
development of very large scobys as the scoby will generally cover the entire 
surface area of the liquid. The primary issue with large scobys is that after some
time they grow very thick and take up valuable space in the container.
While a giant scoby can be a fun thing to show off and possibly make a
great prop for Halloween, you may want to reduce its size to allow more
efficient fermenting. A very large scoby can be cut up using a non-metal
utensil, and pieces distributed to friends for making their own
kombucha. Or, check out our list of ideas for using extra scobys


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