Lola from Noah
To: Lola Moonflower

because you were on my mind...
I had a funny feeling you might
be feeling a little overwhelmed
with everything I've given you
in my Afformations System.
I'm proud of you, because you
did the most important thing
that separates those who succeed
from those who only wish for success...
And that is, you took ACTION.
I know I've given you a TON of material,
so it's natural to feel a bit overwhelmed.
But I'm here to tell you that I'm a
Step 1-2-3 kind of guy.
I don't like guesswork or theories.
I like what WORKS.
And you will find that the more
you DO the System, the more
it will work for you...
So that you'll stop CHASING AFTER
what you want, and start letting it
come TO YOU.
Let me make a few suggestions based
on my work with thousands of gra teful
Students around the world:
1. If you haven't already done so,
GO to your online Members Area.
I sent you all the instructions
on how to do this in a previous email.
2. READ THROUGH the first 3 chapters
of my Afformations eBook.
It' a quick read :)
3. FOCUS ON the 1 or 2 areas
you'd most like to make changes.
For example, start with money, or
weight loss, or relationships, or stress.
Whichever area you're feeling the
most "pain" right now.
4. CHOOSE the 10 Afformations
you feel best fit your situation.
5. Above all, COMMIT to going through
the Afformations program in the next 14 days.
These next 14 days are CRITICAL to make sure
you continue your progress toward manifesting
the life you really want.
Change happens because we take ACTION.
Just DO the Steps, one at a time.
I've made it really easy for you.
Remember, I had to do all this more than
15 years ago -- long before anyone had written
a book about it or created an easy-to-follow,
step-by-step program.
That's why I'll shave AT LEAST 5 YEARS
off your learning curve.
So, please follow these simple instructions,
and start NOW...
Because the world and I eagerly await
YOUR Success Story!
Talk soon,
Noah St. John
Author of The Book of Afformations
P.S. Remember to join the conversation by clicking
the "Like" button on our new Afformation Nation fan page...
I believe in you!\
Noah St. John
Creating Breakthrough Performance
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