Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Conversations with God > Neale Donald Walsch - Evolving Wisdom

Dear Lola Moonflower,

First of all, I just want to thank the hundreds of our community members who have posted on our Facebook page their gratitude for the challenges in their life.

The overwhelming response has been truly moving and inspiring, and the support they have all given to one another there is nothing short of remarkable.

And out of that inspiration, I have something new I want to talk to you about today.

Have you ever noticed that your greatest fears or frustrations about yourself (and the fears and frustrations of just about everyone out there, when it comes right down to it) are all variations of a single, paralyzing question:

"Am I worthy?"

This is where pretty much everyone starts.

In my own life, I was constantly wondering: "Do I have a right to be happy?" "Have I earned it?" "Do I deserve it?"

That's actually where I spent much of my time until I began my conversations with God.

However, it's not at all where we want to end up. There's a much more powerful and beautiful question we can live by:

"What is the secret to feeling as worthy as I actually am?"

I'm going to give you that secret right now, to support you in healing your own questions of worth and assist you in transforming toward your much greater truths and possibilities.

This secret is just one of the highlights I want to share with you today from my Conversations with God 7-Week Online Course.

The secret is this: There is nothing you have to do.

Your growth process is already and always complete.

I know, I know . . . it's not an easy idea to accept.

Believe me, when I first heard it in my conversation with God, I thought I had reached the height of kidding myself.

But instead, it turned out I had just begun to unravel the wonderful Message of the Divine.

That Message went further: it said that "growth" was never necessary to begin with. You and I were complete when we came here---that is, at the moment of our birth.

We were born in a state of utter perfection.

And you can see the kind of perfection I'm talking about every time you look into the eyes of a baby.

Nothing is wanted, nothing is needed, nothing is missing.

You are looking into the face of perfection.

Most people don't understand that they were already complete and perfect the moment they arrived on this planet.

The big secret we all often miss is that our purpose here is not to somehow become more than we are, but to simply experience who we are.

Our life is not about somehow becoming better, higher, greater . . . our purpose here is simply to be---fully and completely---who we were when we first arrived.

There is nothing we need to acquire. No learning, no spirituality, no growth . . .

Can you imagine that?

What if you could let go of all your day-after-day striving? All that struggle and need to have, be, do?

What if you could be totally content and completely satisfied with YOU, exactly as you are, in this moment, right now.

Would that experience maybe feel like joy to you? Like satisfaction and maybe even true self-love?

It would!

That is the first secret.

There is nothing for you to be or to do or to have that you are required to be, do or have in order to express who you really are.

In fact, you are actually here for the opposite purpose.

You are not here to acquire, but to give.

You are here to demonstrate and express.
Now, this is really important, so read this very carefully:

If you wish to experience more wisdom in your life, demonstrate the wisdom you already have.

Do you desire more clarity in your life, so that you can make a choice about something? Demonstrate the clarity you already have.

Now, if you're like I was, you'll be thinking, "How can I demonstrate having something I feel like I need more of?"
I'm about to tell you!

This is what God told me:

Whatever you wish to experience more of in your life, simply do your best to demonstrate that you already have that in plenitude.

And I think you're going to be surprised at how easy it is for you to do it.

It may even shock you to learn how rapidly you can experience having a lot of what you may think you do not now have enough of!

If you discover nothing else in life, my hope and desire is that you discover the true power of that single secret:

You are perfect just the way you are right now.

But the question remains: How can you live this in your everyday life?
And God put this to me in three simple words:

Be the Source.

And from that moment on . . . "Be the Source" became the guiding principle of my life.

Let me share another piece of data here that will be tremendously helpful.

You may have heard this before, but I'm going to say it to you again: You are and always have been Divine.

And so, as I said, your singular job in this life is not to "get better" or become "more than you are now." All that is asked of you is to simply demonstrate who you are right now.

This is the highest gift we can give to ourselves and to God, because God's greatest desire is to know Itself experientially, and that desire is fulfilled through the expression of life in every one of its forms---including the form of YOU.

When this secret was first revealed to me, I often still found myself wishing for more: I wish I had a bit more money right now . . . I wish I had more companionship . . . I wish my health was a little better . . . I wish I had more wisdom, more clarity, more understanding, more awareness . . .
Whenever I wished I had more of anything, I would immediately sit down and consider whether there was anybody else around me in my life, friend or stranger, who also wanted or needed more of that, who might even have less of it than I did.

I would then be the source of that in the life of another.

I would give to someone else, as best I could, whatever I wished to experience in my own life.

I just said to myself: "What if I had enough? What if I had so much, in fact, that I could actually afford to give some away?" Whatever it might be. It didn't matter.

I then began to give away anything and everything I thought I didn't have enough of.

And it was such an elixir that I soon began doing this in every area of my life!

When I wanted more patience, more understanding, more compassion, more partnership, or more of anything at all, I simply found other people who wanted those things, too, and I simply gave it to them.

I got such a "charge" out of this, such an energy lift, that suddenly my whole life purpose changed.

I was no longer trying to get things for myself, but began having things so that I might give them away!
And I discovered that when your purpose is to give something away to others, the universe supplies you with an unlimited amount of it, because the universe knows there are a lot of people out there who are now depending on you to Be The Source of it.

This is the very secret known by every master who has ever walked the Earth.

And now it is your secret, too.

So . . . with that in mind, I have another short but powerful exercise for you:

I simply want you to think of something you wish you had more of in your life.
It can be any of the things I've already mentioned, or anything else: companionship, understanding, forgiveness, time, support, wisdom, money, love, kindness . . . anything.

And once you've decided what your need or desire is, go to our Facebook page and post what it is you want or need more of in your life and what you might be able to do to be the source of that for someone else.
You might share something like: "I often feel pretty lonely and I really wish I had someone to talk to about the things that are going on in my life right now, so I'm going to find or contact someone I know who is also going through some tough times and offer to be a good listener."

Or: "I've made some mistakes that I regret, and I really wish the people who were affected negatively by those mistakes would forgive me so I don't have to carry so much guilt around every day, so I'm going to contact someone who has hurt me in some way and forgive them."
Or: "I really want to be able to do some much-needed work on my home right now, but I can't afford it, so I'm going to volunteer at Habitat for Humanity and help someone in even greater need build a home for their family."

And after you post your need and your plan for being the source for another on our Facebook page, please follow through on your plan and give to someone else in whatever way you can.

And then come back to our Facebook page and post about your experience of being the source in this way.

This powerful secret to joy and abundance is just a small part of the transformative journey we'll be taking in my upcoming Conversations with God 7-Week Online Course.

This secret is actually part of our first course session, Recognize What's Missing In Your Life So You Know What Needs To Change, where you'll learn how to identify with greater clarity than ever before your present and fullest truth about work, relationship, parenting, health, sexuality, and every other aspect of your daily experience, so that you can align your life to be in integrity with your Divine path.

You can learn more about the course when you visit the Course Information Page here.

I welcome you to join me!

With love,


P.S. One of the most profound benefits of being a part of the incredible Conversations with God online course community is the level of support being a member of the community offers you as you engage far more deeply with others from all over the world.

Find out all the details here

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