Classes and Workshops
When we have our “Bars” run, the energetic charge dissipates ~ There are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head that refer to all areas of your life, relationships, money, hopes & dreams, creativity, sex, gratitude, peace, calm & aging, just to name a few.
Working with these 32 specific points, using a very light touch, “Running BARS” dissipates the electromagnetic energy stored within these points and immediately facilitates changes within the mind, body & spirit by releasing old, limiting files; similar to deleting old files stored on the hard drive of a computer.
This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitation in all aspects of your life without any effort. As the old files are deleted, you free up space to allow for greater possibilities, greater consciousness and greater awareness, leaving you with a sense of Joy & Happiness, being present, calm, centered and peaceful.
After a “BARS” session, in the very least you will feel as though you have just experienced a great massage, and the best case scenario is your entire life will change.
Are you ready to facilitate changes and allow for greater possibilities, consciousness and awareness beyond your imagination?
What would it be like if you allowed everyone, including yourself, to be who they are with no judgment? Can you imagine the possibilities?
How does it get any better than this?
What else is possible?
We have room for 6 at this Bars Class,
Everything with Access is about your life becoming easier, more joyful and you being able to achieve all you have ever desired to be, do, have, create and generate.
Bring a Massage Table, Blanket and Pillow…
LMT’s Receive 8 ceu’s $ 200. repeat $100.
We will have snacks salty, sweet, fresh & bring what you love for lunch.
Call to Register 352-356-7732
May all of life come to you with Ease & Joy; Lola;~}xx
Bars Class April 20th 2013 10am to 5pm
RSVP Lola at or 352-356-7732
What would happen if you gave yourself the gift to take the pressure off yourself to do and be it all? The permission to stop being so hard on yourself? And the power to listen to and act on your inner wisdom?
I am SO over the moon excited to be sending you this invitation to you
But first I have a question for you…
What would happen if you gave yourself the gift to take the pressure off yourself to do and be it all? The permission to stop being so hard on yourself? And the power to listen to and act on your inner wisdom?
You’d be a lot happier, healthier and wealthier.
Now add to that being surrounded by beauty and nature, soaking in the love of like-minded women, and doing deep transformational work while laughing and having a FUN! Time.
Strengthen your Self Compassion, Self Trust, Self Care, Self Empowerment… and really learn to listen to and act on your Inner Wisdom.
Have you signed yourself and your inner critic and inner wisdom up yet? If yes, awesome! See you there.
Here’s a quick quiz to see if you do:
Do you ever…
Compare yourself to your friends, colleagues or even strangers? Find yourself measurably inferior – or superior?
- Struggle to make decisions because you’re so afraid of choosing the wrong thing?
- Have a hard time saying, “no,” and end up over-committed, exhausted, and overwhelmed?
- Put everything and everyone first – and yourself last – and you feel burnt-out and desperately in need of a break (from work, from your kids, from life!)?
- Sabotage your own best efforts, even when it comes to things you really want?
- Criticize and judge others – and you don’t stop there. One of your favorite people to criticize? Yourself.
- Make mistakes and then obsess about it for hours, sometimes even days?
- Go to sleep with and wake up to your To Do list running in your mind?
- Strive for perfection or fall victim to procrastination and get stuck in the ‘getting ready to get ready’ mode, so nothing materializes as fast as you’d like?
- Worry that you are screwing up your life, career, business, kids, relationship, etc? Feel anxious; try to control anything and everything? Find yourself obsessing?
- Always busy, always DOING, and NEVER relaxing. Not even for a moment. You don’t have TIME to relax?
- Find yourself at the center of drama-filled relationships, whether they’re romantic or otherwise?
What can you expect from the Day?
Stop being so hard on yourself -rewire self-sabotaging patterns and negative beliefs; stop exhausting yourself and start enJOYing your life more.
- Tell the difference between the voice of your inner critic & fear and your inner wisdom & intuition – so you can turn down the volume on your inner critic whenever you want and stop wasting time, energy and money stressing.
- Talk to your intuition and use her to guide your life – so you always make choices that are GREAT for you.
- Stop comparing yourself, judging yourself and setting unrealistic expectations – and START celebrating your gifts and accomplishments.
- Find your center – quickly — when you experience overwhelms, anxiety or stress so they don’t overtake your attitude or your life.
- Find compassion for yourself when things don’t go perfectly – and really believe you are doing the best you can.
- Give yourself a break and permission to relax and stop driving yourself so hard.
- Get to the outcomes you desire by BEING, rather than always creating more to do’s.
- Tap into energy sources that fuel you vs. deplete you.
If you’re ready to build your emotional and spiritual muscles so you can have the life you want -, as we show you how to break free of negative self-talk, give up self-sabotage and unlock more self-love and success and happiness
Share the Good Karma>>> Take a stand for women you care about & make it a girl’s Day. Pass this invitation on to women who compare themselves way too much, or don’t recognize enough how fabulous they are, or just seriously are way too hard on themselves.
You can kick negative self-talk to the curb together! Oh yeah!!
March Bars Class
Access Consciousness The BARS
Facilitated by Lola Moonflower
Thursday 3/14/13
Second Thursday each Month
9:30 til 5PM
RSVP To register Call
Access Bars body Process: there are 32 points on the head that when touched discharges energy holding limiting beliefs in place in their neural connections.
It is similar to hitting the delete button on a computer. It slows down the brain waves to allow for behavioral patterns and addictions to be addressed.
Experience increased energy. Heal emotional scars. Assist in weight and body image issues. Reduce or eliminate pain. Enhance healing and sleep. Erase limitations and blocks. Increase receiving. No longer be the affect of other people and situations.
8 (Ceu’s) $200., $100. (repeat)
Intro to Access Consciousness BARS
Facilitated by Lola Moonflower
Thursday 2/14/13
Second Thurs each Month
7 -9PM
The Atman Center
Access Bars body Process: there are 32 points on the head that when touched discharges energy holding limiting beliefs in place in their neural connections. it is similar to hitting the delete button on a computer. It slows down the brain waves to allow for behavioral patterns and addictions to be addressed. Experience increased energy. Heal emotional scars. Assist in weight and body image issues. Reduce or eliminate pain. Enhance healing and sleep. Erase limitations and blocks. Increase receiving. No longer be the affect of other people and situations.
For more information please contact:
Lola Moonflower at 352.356.7732
Access Consciousness BARS Classes (8 CEU’s)
Massage and Bars session
Massage and Bars session
Location: The Atman Center
9365 US Highway 19 N, Suite B
Pinellas Park, FL 33782
Pinellas Park, FL 33782
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